Croatia visa requirements for pakistani passport

Croatia Country Information & Visa Types

Visa requirements For Croatia for Pakistani passport.

  • Full name: Croatia
  • Currency: Euro EUR
  • Dialing Prefix: 385
  • Capital: Zagreb
  • Passport Ranking: 17
  • Major language: Croatian
  • GDP: 68.96 Billion USD (2021)
  • Per Capita Income: 34,620 PPP Dollars (2021)
  • Population: 3.899 Million (2021)
  • Visa Free Countries: 140

Why Croatia?

Croatia is a country located in Southeast Europe, bordering the Adriatic Sea. Its capital and largest city is Zagreb, and the country has a population of approximately 4 million people. Croatia is known for its stunning coastline, which includes over a thousand islands. Croatia's economy is largely based on the service sector, including tourism, which accounts for a significant portion of the country's GDP. In recent years, Croatia has become an increasingly popular tourist destination, attracting millions of visitors each year with its beautiful beaches, historical sites, and Mediterranean climate. The country is also known for its wine and cuisine, with a thriving food and hospitality industry. Aside from tourism, Croatia has a diverse economy that includes industries such as manufacturing, agriculture, and energy. The country has a strong focus on renewable energy and has made significant investments in wind and solar power in recent years. While Croatia faces some challenges, including high unemployment rates and significant public debt, the country has made significant progress in recent years and is considered a stable and attractive destination for investment and tourism. With its astonishing natural attractiveness, rich inheritance, and growing economy, Croatia is poised for continued success in the years to come.

Visa Categories

Tourist Visa

Tourist Visa requirements of Croatia for Pakistani Passport.

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