Guinea visa requirements for pakistani passport

Guinea Country Information & Visa Types

Visa requirements of Guinea for Pakistani Passport Holders

  • Full name: Guinea
  • Currency: Guinea Franc GNF
  • Dialing Prefix: 224
  • Capital: Conakry
  • Passport Ranking: 88
  • Major language: French
  • GDP: 16.09 Billion USD (2021)
  • Per Capita Income: 2,560 PPP Dollars (2021)
  • Population: 13.53 Million (2021)
  • Visa Free Countries: 52

Why Guinea?

Guinea, officially known as the Republic of Guinea, is a country in West Africa. The capital and largest city of Guinea is Conakry. Guinea has a population of approximately 13 million people and covers an area of 245,857 square kilometers (94,926 square miles). The official language of Guinea is French, although there are many other languages spoken throughout the country. Guinea has a diverse geography, including coastal plains, mountainous regions, and savannas. The country is rich in mineral resources, including bauxite, iron ore, gold, and diamonds, but it remains one of the poorest countries in the world. Guinea offers a unique and authentic travel experience for those interested in exploring West African culture, history, and natural beauty.>

Visa Categories

Tourist E Visa

Tourist E Visa requirements of Guinea for Pakistani Passport.

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