Romania visa requirements for pakistani passport

Romania Country Information & Visa Types

Visa requirements of Romania for Pakistani passport.

  • Full name: Romania
  • Currency: Romanian Leu RON
  • Dialing Prefix: 40
  • Capital: Bucharest
  • Passport Ranking: 17
  • Major language: Romanian
  • GDP: 284.1 Billion USD (2021)
  • Per Capita Income: 2021 was $14,858
  • Population: 19.12 Million (2021)
  • Visa Free Countries: 140

Why Romania?

Romania is a country located in Southeast Europe, bordering the Black Sea. It's capital and largest city is Bucharest, and the country has a population of approximately 19.5 million people. Romania has a diverse economy that includes industries such as agriculture, manufacturing, and services. The country is a major producer of wheat, corn, and sunflower, as well as livestock products such as pork and poultry. Additionally, Romania has a growing manufacturing sector, particularly in industries such as automotive and electronics, and is home to many international companies. Tourism is also an important part of Romania's economy, with the country attracting visitors with its natural beauty, historical landmarks, and cultural heritage. Romania is known for its stunning Carpathian Mountains, as well as its medieval castles and churches. The country is also home to many traditional villages and rural areas, where visitors can experience traditional Romanian culture and customs. The country is known for its unique cuisine, which includes dishes such as sarmale (stuffed cabbage rolls) and mici (grilled minced meat rolls). Additionally, Romania has a strong literary and artistic tradition and is home to many museums, galleries, and theaters.

Visa Categories

Tourist Visa

Tourist Visa requirements of Romania for Pakistani Passport.

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Business Visa

Business Visa requirements of Romania for Pakistani Passport.

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