United Kingdom visa requirements for pakistani passport

United Kingdom Country Information & Visa Types

Visa requirements For United Kingdome for Pakistani passport.

  • Full name: United Kingdom
  • Currency: Pounds GBP
  • Dialing Prefix: 44
  • Capital: London
  • Passport Ranking: 5
  • Major language: English
  • GDP: 3.131 Trillion USD (2021)
  • Per Capita Income: 49,420 PPP Dollars (2021)
  • Population: 67.33 Million (2021)
  • Visa Free Countries: 150

Why United Kingdom?

The United Kingdom (UK) is a sovereign country located off the northwest coast of continental Europe. The UK is made up of four countries: England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Its capital is London, and it has a population of approximately 67 million people. It has a diverse economy, with industries such as finance, manufacturing, and technology playing important roles. The country has a highly developed infrastructure and is known for its world-class universities and research institutions. It is also a leader in renewable energy, particularly wind power. The UK is a popular destination for tourists and offers a diverse range of attractions, including historic landmarks such as Stonehenge and Buckingham Palace, world-class museums like the British Museum, and stunning natural scenery in places like the Lake District. Major cities like London and Edinburgh offer a mix of culture, entertainment, and history, while smaller towns and villages provide a glimpse into traditional UK life. Uk has a Strong Economy with a stunning environment. Uk is a must-visit country for Tourism, Business, and Job purpose.>

Visa Categories

Tourist Visa

Tourist Visa requirements of United Kingdom for Pakistani Passport.

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Business Visa

Business Visa requirements of United Kingdom for Pakistani Passport.

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