Original Passports – The current passport must be valid for a minimum of 90 days beyond thevalidity of the requested visa. Applicants who do not have a residence permit in Pakistan must apply for a visa in their home country. Please, kindly bring also all your previous Pakistani Passport
The current passport must have been issued within the last 10 years and it must have a minimum of 2 blank visa pages in order to affix the visa
One recent passport photograph (with light/ideally white background, not dark! size not smaller than 3,5cm x 4,5cm, with proper position of the face - please attach your photograph with glue, do not staple
Proof of valid travel insurance and receipt – Applicants must provide their travelinsurance certificate, the receipt and the Terms and Conditions pages The minimum coverage is 30 000 EUR
Copy of Pakistani identity card (CNIC)
Flight reservation of air ticket (return or round trip)
If trips include several stops in the territory of the Member States, reservations of intra-Schengen itinerary (train, flights, car rental)
reservation of accommodation for the entire duration of the stay in the territory of the Member States (hotel, aparthotel, holiday home, camping, youth hostel
Family Registration Certificate (FRC) issued in English by NADRA (Pakistan National Database and Registration Authority), including all members of your closest family
bank statements showing movements in at least last six months, duly signed and stamped by the bank (the statement/s must show your name and address and the statement date should be less than 15 days old at the time of your application; the final
balance should reflect the real financial situation of the applicant); if submitting a company's bank statement, do not forget to enclose also your personal bank account statement (covering transactions of at least last 6 months)
National Tax Number Certificate (or proof of exemption if applicable)
Federal Board of Revenue acknowledgement of tax returns for the last two fiscal years before the application date or, if one of the above cannot be produced, other proof, supported by documents, of income generating assets or other means of subsistence as applicable ,Please note: Cash will not be accepted as proof of funds
Invitation Letter
Chamber Membership Cerificate
Chamber Recomdation Letter
If the applicant is employed
payslips for at least last three months before the application date
ï‚· copy of the employment contract
ï‚· an employer's letter (NOC) stating the approval for leave of absence, specifying the dates of absence, position and salary of the employee, duration of employment,purpose of absence, contact number of employer
If the applicant is a company owner or self-employed:
ï‚· certificate of registration of the company
If the applicant is sponsored:
ï‚· proof of sponsorship
Processing Time:
15-20 Days
How to Apply for Business Visa of Czechia from Pakistan:
Fill visa Form Attached Pdf File
Book your Appointment Online in above mentioned given link
Gather all above mention documents and appear in Embassy or Drop box for interview
Pay your visa fee
Provide your Biometrics & Submit your documents while your Interview
Your Visa Submission process will be completed once your documents are submitted